Thursday, February 17, 2011

Expressive Charles Burchfield Landscapes

We learned about Charles Burchfield because conveniently the Burchfield Nature Center is down the street from our school. I modified this lessons for different classes due to their abilities and so on. I thought this one was a great use of color and I loved how it turned out.

Operation Beautiful

As a fun little project I thought I would introduce my art club students to Operation Beautiful. Which was started to send positive messages to females about self image. It is a really great program and I love how artsitic some of the post-its are.
 Check out the following video:

Students started creating their own post it's to specific teachers to be put on their door. One thing I would do differently is to talk about more generic sayings that could be posted on other teachers doors that they may not know. They loved the idea of this project and came up with some awesome things! 

Egyptian Profile

The 6th graders learned about Egyptian Art before making their profile. I actually was about to start a lesson and quickly changed it due to them learning about Egypt in Social Studies. Cross-curricular learning whoop whoop! Most of the students turned out great. When I have more time I will display more examples but here is one.


When browsing through these awesome blogs I found a lesson I loved. It was based off the book WoW! America by Robert Nubeucher. When I went to go purchase the book it was ridiculousy expensive ($100) due to the fact it was now out of print. Some how I found it for $18 and I've noticed amazon has acquired some used copies.

With my 5th graders I read them the book WOW!America! They loved the colorful illustrations especially the one of the Grand Canyon. When they created their landscapes instead of using tempera paint I used watercolor. I give the students plates so they were able to mix up colors and they turned out awesome!

I have found my 5th grade class this year have been the ones that really shine. They are more open to making their own artistic choices!